Health Advocate Blog

24 well-being tips for 2024

Have you started to plan your new year’s resolution and 2024 goals yet? Get started with these 24 simple tips to start improving your well-being. We hope these ideas inspire you to have a happy and healthy 2024!

  1. Make being grateful a habit. Every day, write down three things you are grateful for and one thing that you’ll do for someone else. Making this a daily habit yields great results!
  2. Stay on top of preventive care. This includes regular physical exams, vaccines, blood pressure checks, well-woman exams, and more.
  3. Designate three evenings each week for screen-free activities. Read a book, call a friend, meditate, participate in a hobby—there is so much to help you unwind without staring at a screen!
  4. Each day, find a way to eat one more serving of fruit or vegetables than you normally would. You may have more opportunities than you realize!
  5. Add 10 extra minutes of exercise to your day. If you don’t already exercise, aim to get 10 minutes each day. If you do currently exercise, add 10 extra minutes to your routine.
  6. Mind your manners. “Please” and “thank you” can go a long way when interacting with others. It demonstrates respect and appreciation.
  7. Balance work and home life. Leave work at work and home at home and make the most of your time in both places!
  8. Every morning, stand in front of a mirror and give yourself a compliment. Make eye contact with yourself and own it.
  9. Correct your posture. Work on keeping your back straight, shoulders back and head up, as if you were balancing a book on your head. Avoid slouching!
  10. Get sufficient sleep. Aim to go to bed at a time that allows you to sleep for eight hours at least five days per week.
  11. Skip the salty snacks or sweet treats and go for fruit to round out packed lunches.
  12. Dedicate one night each week to spending quality time with a family member or friend (animal or human!).
  13. Trade your after-dinner dessert for an after-dinner stroll.
  14. Stay in motion. At home, pace, march in place, or sit down/stand up when you’re talking on the phone, folding clothes, or watching TV. At work, get up and shake out your limbs every hour, use the restroom furthest from your workstation, or get up to a relay to message to a coworker rather than sending an email.
  15. Don’t drink your calories. Over the course of the day, you can easily cut calories if you skip or reduce your soda, juice, and alcohol intake. Choose water instead; it’s calorie-free.
  16. Stay ahead of stress. Whether you’re having an easy or difficult day, plan to spend at least 5 minutes on stress relief, such as a brisk walk, a quick meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
  17. Strive to eat at least two servings of dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, romaine lettuce, etc. each week.
  18. Avoid work burnout. Take your designated breaks as often as you are able. Limit the number of days you go in early or stay late. Plan to take time off for personal days and vacations. When you’re away from work, avoid checking emails and voicemails, if possible.
  19. Track your activity! Use a fitness device, app or pedometer to see how active you are and where you may need to improve.
  20. Take 10 minutes to mentally unwind before getting into bed. Writing about your day in a journal or closing your eyes and meditating are some great ways to relax.
  21. Try a new exercise. Now’s the time to switch it up! For example, if you’ve been jogging the same route, pick a new one. Switch from the treadmill to the elliptical, take a new fitness class…the possibilities are endless!
  22. Follow the number one rule of respect: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
  23. Go outside for a 10-minute daily dose of sunlight. Even on gray days, light from the sun plays a role in your body’s production of serotonin, which helps regulate your energy, mood and sleep quality.
  24. Do something new or fun each weekend. Whether you volunteer, join a winter walk at a nature center, or visit with friends, find what sparks your enthusiasm and momentum.