Health Advocate Blog

Celebrate Disability Independence Day

Each year on July 26, the United States recognizes the anniversary of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). This law protects Americans with disabilities by prohibiting discrimination, establishing standard accommodations for these individuals in their communities, schools and places of work, and ensuring equal access to housing, employment, recreation, healthcare, social services, transportation and technology.

While the ADA made many improvements, there is still much more that can be done to help people with disabilities flourish in their own lives and in our communities. Learning more about the ADA, its history, and vital contributions Americans with disabilities have made is an important place to start. Explore these resources to educate yourself on the history and contributions of these phenomenal people.

Disability History Museum
An online library of artifacts, museum exhibits and more that tell the stories and historical experiences of people with disabilities.

Disability Visibility Project
This website is dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture.

EveryBody: An Artifact History of Disability in America
Smithsonian Institute
This online exhibit features many stories and events of contributions made by people with disabilities that have been left out of history books and shared public memories.

Online Disability Rights Movement Exhibit
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
Explore the ongoing struggle and efforts of people with disabilities and their families to be treated equally, justly and be included, the same as everyone else.