Health Advocate Blog

Alcohol misuse: Know the signs and get support

Have you ever wondered if you might have a problem with alcohol? The signs aren’t always easy to spot. Alcohol misuse can significantly impact your health and even turn into addiction, which is why it’s important to start taking control as soon as possible.

Alcohol basics

  • The CDC recommends no more than two alcoholic drinks a day for men, and no more than one for women.
  • One drink is defined as: 1 beer, 8 oz. of malt beverage, or 5 oz. of wine or liquor

Alcohol’s impact on your health

  • Drinking alcohol can cause you to have accidents or injuries, and long-term it can also raise your risk of cancer, liver disease, heart disease, and other serious conditions.
  • Whether your alcohol use falls within the CDC’s recommended guidelines or not, remember that less is always better. Drinking less or not drinking at all lowers your health risks.

Know the signs of misuse

These are just a few of the signs that you may have an issue with alcohol:

  • You can’t stop drinking, even when you want to stop
  • You hide your alcohol use from others
  • You need to increase the amount of alcohol you drink to get your usual “buzz”
  • You are having problems that start with using alcohol, like getting into accidents or arguments
  • You neglect other things in your life, like work or family, because you prioritize drinking

What to do next

If you recognized any of those signs as things you experience, take action.

  • Talk to your doctor and be open and honest about your alcohol use so they can provide the care you need.
  • Consider finding local or online groups you can join for support.

You deserve to be your healthiest self. Realizing that alcohol is affecting your life and seeking help and support is not a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of strength.