The busyness and stress of life can allow bad habits to sneak into your daily routine. Luckily, spring is a time of new beginnings–and it’s a great time to start turning some of those less healthy habits around. Read on for 5 ways to nip common bad habits in the bud, replacing them with healthier behaviors.
Bad habit: Not staying on track with your yearly checkups
Quick fix: Call your doctor or schedule an appointment online!
You don’t need to see your doctor today–but you do need to get on their schedule. So today, hop online to set up an appointment for a yearly checkup, or call your doctor’s office. Future You will be happier and healthier as a result of you taking this first step!
Bad habit: Constantly getting takeout on the way home from work
Quick fix: Choose a day and make takeout a weekly treat
It’s tempting to hit the drive-thru when you’ve had a tiring or stressful day, but relying on restaurant-cooked food all the time isn’t the best for your health or your wallet. Decide on one day a week that’s your “takeout day”–it’ll be a treat you can look forward to.
In the meantime, stop by the grocery store and pick up some healthier items for weekday meals that are low-effort to prepare. Consider ready-made salad kits, rotisserie chicken, frozen steam-in-the-bag vegetables or brown rice, cans of low-sodium soup, pre-cut snackable veggies like carrots or bell peppers, no-sugar-added applesauce, lean cold cuts like turkey and whole wheat bread for sandwiches, and fresh fruit like grapes, oranges, and bananas.
Bad habit: Doomscrolling social media
Quick fix: Sign out of social media and do something truly social!
If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, it’s easy to get sucked into mindlessly scrolling through social media. But, ironically, it’s likely that you’re not doing much that’s actually social! Instead, use your phone for a different purpose: Call or text a friend or loved one.
Or, if it’s too late at night to reach out to them, grab a pen and paper or a cute greeting card and write them a note of appreciation or just to say hi. This can help you maintain strong relationships with others while helping you reduce the stress that doomscrolling often brings.
Bad habit: Not taking your breaks at work
Quick fix: Set periodic reminders to stand up and stretch or take a 5-minute walk
Sitting too much is bad for your health. Understandably, when you’re in the groove at work, it can be hard to remember to take breaks. Lean on technology to help you remember–set reminders in Outlook to take brief breaks. Get up and stretch, take a brisk walk, or go refill your water bottle. These healthy actions can help you feel refreshed and less stressed when you turn your focus back to work.
Bad habit: Being a couch potato after work
Quick fix: Don’t give up the TV–just the couch!
We’ve all had those days where we want to indulge in mindless TV or binge-watching. Good news: The TV’s not the problem, as long as you’re not sitting while you watch!
Start by walking in place during commercial breaks. Then work your way up to walking in place for part of the show, and then all of the show. You get your TV fix, and you also get to be active. It’s a win-win!
These might seem like small changes, but over time, the effects of these small changes add up to a healthier, happier you!