Health Advocate Blog

Resilience tips for caregivers

Caring for a loved one can be rewarding, but it can also be tough and exhausting. Here are a few tips to help you stay mentally strong, enabling you to give the best care possible.

Seek support from fellow caregivers. Join an in-person or online support group and try to participate regularly. In addition to getting and giving support, you may also learn about things like resources or technologies to help ease some of your caregiving challenges.

Accept offers of help. Suggest specific ways people can help, such as picking up medications, meals and household necessities, mowing the lawn, etc. 

Take mini breaks throughout the day. If you can’t step out in the fresh air, whenever possible, devote a few minutes to close your eyes, focus on slow, deep breathing, and do a few head rolls and shoulder shrugs.

Turn to a soothing activity. If you can, do something regularly that refreshes you, whether it’s a yoga session, baking, puttering in the garden, or playing with your pet.

Keep up with your health. Don’t skimp on proper sleep, nutrition, or exercise, and set reminders to stay up-to-date on your health screenings and vaccinations.

For peace of mind, designate a backup caregiver. Inform them about the chronic conditions, medications, specific groceries, supplies and lifestyle needs of your loved one, and provide their doctor’s phone number.

Feeling overwhelmed? If you’re depressed, angry, anxious, or your sleeping or eating habits have changed, reach out to a healthcare practitioner or a licensed counselor for help.