Health Advocate Blog

Get ready to adopt new healthy habits!

During the busy holiday season, many of your normal routines may fall by the wayside. But now, with the start of a new year, it’s time to get back to your usual healthy habits or start a few new ones! Take a few minutes to think about the challenges you need to overcome and the mindset shifts that may need to happen so you can achieve your goals. Here are five things to consider:

Are there any stubborn habits you need to address? Anxiety, boredom, loneliness, and other troublesome emotions can trigger unhealthy “coping” responses—whether it’s overindulging in snacks or alcohol, or endless smartphone scrolling. Recognizing the underlying emotion that triggers an automatic unhealthy response can help you break it. Instead of mindlessly turning to your unhealthy indulgence, take a few slow deep breaths, focusing on the moment. Then get up, drink some water, go fold laundry, put on a playlist and dance, or call a friend.

Be realistic and reasonable with yourself and your goals. Don’t fall into the trap of being too ambitious–that can set you up for failure. Making goals attainable, and then working your way up to harder goals from there, is the key to success. Say your goal is to rack up a ton of miles biking or walking to slim down by next month so you’ll fit into your jeans. Especially if you’ve been sedentary, it’s wiser to give yourself a more achievable time frame that includes mini goals. Start by walking around more often and going to more neighborhoods (or paths) for six months, gradually adding time and distance each week.

If a little change is all you can do right now, that’s okay! Over time, little changes can add up to big results. If you want to eat healthier but you’re still ordering out a lot and don’t feel up to cooking yet, try stocking up on healthy low-fat prepared meals. When you’re ready to cook, grab some easy recipes that feature more fruits and veggies, and less fatty, salty, and sugary foods. Keep a bowl of apples, clementines and other healthy grab-and-go options in plain sight for snacking.

Get your support team together. For many people, making healthy changes is easier when you don’t have to do it alone. Carve out time on your calendar for shared activities like walking nearby trails with a friend, fixing healthier meals with your partner, or playing a game of pickleball with your neighbor.

Have a routine and, whenever possible, try to stick to it. Avoid haphazard mealtimes and sleeping in. Eating at the same time daily can prevent a overeating or a dip in energy, while a regular bedtime and rising time can keep your body and mind functioning at its peak, giving you more stamina to stick to your healthier habits.