Health Advocate Blog

Is what you eat and drink hurting your sleep?

Regularly getting a good night’s sleep is just as essential to your health and well-being as healthy eating and exercise. But many things can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep, including your eating habits! These tips may help you determine if your diet is keeping you up at night and what you can do to fix it.

Avoid eating too close to bedtime. Eating too close to bedtime can cause disruptions in your sleep, especially if you have indigestion. If you wake up at night with your esophagus burning, you may want to try these ideas to sleep better:

  • Don’t eat within 4 hours of bedtime
  • Avoid eating foods that trigger your indigestion before bed
  • Sleep propped up (for example, with a “wedge pillow”) to keep acid from creeping up your throat
  • Try drinking a glass of milk before bed to help neutralize the acid

Be careful with caffeine

For some people, consuming caffeine before bed doesn’t cause many problems; for others, it can cause a restless night.

Caffeine is considered to be a stimulant, which is why it keeps you up. If you have trouble with caffeine before bed:

  • In the evening, avoid drinking caffeinated beverages like soda, coffee or tea
  • Reduce your consumption of foods that contain caffeine, such as chocolate
  • Be aware that it takes 8 hours for your body to fully process some caffeinated food/drinks–such as 8 ounces of coffee

Limit sugary foods

Similar to caffeine, in some people, consuming foods with sugar may help prevent them from sleeping. If you’re a dessert-after-dinner person:

  • Try eating fruit instead. Fruit can satisfy your sweet tooth due to its natural sugars breaking down slower as compared to food with added sugars, which can give you a jolt because it tends to spike your glucose faster.
  • Don’t make dessert an everyday occasion. Desserts and treats are best enjoyed in moderation. It may be a good idea to save desserts for special occasions only.

Consider avoiding alcohol

If you want to get the deep sleep required for restorative rest, it might be best to stick with non-alcoholic beverages. Try a warm, comforting mug of caffeine-free herbal tea at night instead.

In general, for a better night’s sleep, be careful about what you consume and how long before bedtime you consume it!