Health Advocate Blog

Reduce tobacco temptation with smart activity swaps

The nicotine in the tobacco you use might make you feel good temporarily, but the habit is killing you. It contributes to cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and many other health risks. In fact, tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable deaths worldwide!

You don’t need tobacco to feel good. The key to feeling good is within you! Start replacing your tobacco use with healthier activities like these:

If you find it challenging to overcome the hand-to-mouth sensation, try healthier ways to occupy your mouth and hands, like:

  • Enjoy a healthy snack like sliced bell peppers, cucumbers, apples, or whole grain crackers
  • Chew gum or suck on a mint
  • Start a hobby that requires you to use your hands, like woodworking or scrapbooking
  • Read a book, magazine, or newspaper

If you use tobacco because you’re bored, stay busy with healthy activities such as:

  • Calling a friend or family member
  • Treating yourself to a movie
  • Going for a walk or exercising
  • Going out to do something fun with a friend
  • Cooking a healthy meal
  • Reading

Tobacco/nicotine use is often associated with specific times and behaviors, like first thing when you wake up, after meals, while driving, before bed, etc. If you have urges to use tobacco based on certain times of the day or certain daily activities:

  • In the morning, drink a glass of water
  • Sing along to your favorite band during your morning commute
  • Take a walk on your work break
  • Brush your teeth or chew gum after meals
  • Practice deep breathing before bed

One of the most common reason people use tobacco/nicotine—and find it difficult to quit—is the belief that it helps to reduce stress. Find healthier outlets for stress relief and relaxation, such as:

  • Cuddling with your spouse, kids, or pet
  • Taking a nap
  • Meditating
  • Watching your favorite show or movie
  • Exercising or dancing