Health Advocate Blog

Start planning now to stay active through the seasons

Does the changing of the seasons throw you off your game when it comes to physical activity? For many, the type of exercise you do is often based on what time of year it is. Certain types of weather and temperatures might make you excited to go outside—or equally excited to come back inside.

If you’re the kind of person who’s tempted to hibernate in the winter, now is the time to start planning your physical activity for the remaining months of this year and early next year. Although it may seem early to think about this, with fall just starting now, remember that changes take time to put in place—and winter’s not as far away as it seems.

Not everyone will need or want to change up their exercise routine due to weather changes—it depends on where you live, the activities you like to do, and your tolerance of cool or cold temperatures. If you’re someone who exercises outside now but tend to avoid it once the weather changes, these ideas can help you stay active while also staying warm:

  • Use the cooler weather as a reason to join a fitness center or sign up for an indoor class like spinning or yoga
  • Purchase an online fitness class or video series
  • If you usually go out walking or jogging in the morning or evening, try shifting that activity to your lunch break—go out in the middle of the day when there’s maximum sunshine
  • If you want to exercise indoors somewhere other than home, consider starting a mall walking routine. It gets you out and about while still allowing you to be active inside. For an added challenge, incorporate climbing the stairs at the mall into your walks.
  • Take a dance class at your local community center. It may not seem like traditional exercise, but it’s physical activity, and it absolutely counts!
  • If you have a desk-based job, consider purchasing a small piece of fitness equipment to help you stay active while you work, like an under-desk treadmill or stepper.