Health Advocate Blog

Habits and strategies to strengthen your resilience

Cultivating positive habits can help you overcome many of life’s challenges, giving you the confidence, focus, and energy to get through tough days and stressful situations. These strategies can help you shift your thoughts and actions, increasing your resilience and setting you up for success.

Adopt the habit of saying “I can” and “I will” vs. “I can’t” or “I won’t.” This simple self-talk tweak can boost your confidence and increase your chance of getting through many detours. Keeping reminders of your positive qualities and achievements handy can also help propel you forward.

Rely on your previous “survival skills.” For example, did you call on friends, experts, community or online practical resources to help you through the loss of a job, tackle debt, secure caregiving for a family member or ease another stressful situation? Reaching out for help can prompt you to take the next steps to handle new challenges.

Focus on what you can control. If you have a setback, understand that while some aspects of it are beyond your influence, there are often aspects of it that you can manage. Identify the actions you can take to work toward a solution or improve the circumstances. By taking proactive steps, you can regain a sense of agency and reduce feelings of helplessness.

Streamline your routines for better balance. Disruptions to work or school schedules, for example, can be overwhelming, throwing off other parts of your life. Consider pre-planning simple, nutritious go-to meals for the week, for example, so you’re not flooded with last-minute decisions.

Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself and avoid self-criticism. Remind yourself that everyone faces challenges at some point, and it’s okay to make mistakes. Treat yourself with the same understanding and support that you would offer to a friend in a similar situation.

Practice mindfulness. Focusing your mind on your breath and the present moment—even for a few minutes a day here and there–allows you to calm your emotional reactions, enabling you to find rational solutions to challenges.

Stick to healthy lifestyle habits. Getting a solid night’s sleep, exercising daily, and eating nutritious meals can help sustain your resilience.

Make counting your blessings a habit. Each day, think of three things you’re grateful for. Research suggests that gratitude helps improve your mood and increases your resilience to bounce back from upsets.

Tap your network of supportive people. Seek out the optimists who cheer you on. Limit time with the naysayers and complainers.