Health Advocate Blog

Get energized with these healthy lifestyle changes

When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? Are you ready to start the day, or do you feel groggy and unsure of how you’re going to make it through? If you regularly feel tired and ill-prepared for the day, consider incorporating some of these lifestyle strategies to boost your energy.

Ditch the unhealthy snacks

Consuming food and beverages that provide few nutrients can make you feel sluggish. Snacking on healthy items between meals can help improve energy levels. Trade the chips for carrot sticks and sliced bell pepper with hummus, and swap out the donut in favor of Greek yogurt with fresh or frozen berries.

Get up and get moving!

When you sit, your entire body slows down, resulting in fewer calories burned and decreased circulation. Set reminders on your phone or computer to get up and move at least once every hour to walk around or stretch.

Create better boundaries between work and life

Allowing your work and home lives to blend can result in never feeling quite done with all that you have to do, which can also lead to burnout. For a more fulfilling day, try to leave work at work and home at home. While this is especially challenging for those who work remotely, it is possible to do. Start by setting an appointment with yourself on your work calendar at the end of the work day—let your computer remind you that it’s time to get up and go focus on YOU!

Make time for the things you enjoy

Burning the candle at both ends and consistently forgetting to put your own needs first can leave you feeling drained and unhappy. Make time to participate in activities that make you happy and recharged. Whether that’s doing a hobby, reading a book, spending quality time with your pet, playing a sport, or trying a new restaurant, regularly block out the time you need to do the things you truly enjoy.

Finally, make sure you’re getting enough sleep

You likely already know that when you lack sleep, you lack the energy needed to help you function. Aim to get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Check out our best tips for a good night’s sleep.

If you’ve tried some of these lifestyle strategies and you’re still not noticing much improvement in your energy levels, it may be time to talk to your doctor. Some health conditions can cause you to feel tired or drained, and your doctor is the best resource to help you start getting to the bottom of any potential medical issues.