Health Advocate Blog

Healthy resource roundup, October 2023

There are a number of important health observances happening in October. We have compiled a variety of resources so that you have quick, easy access to tips and information to help you get healthier. For some observances, we’re also including helpful information for organizations who want to promote them to their employees!

Important! Now is the time to protect yourself and your family by getting the flu shot. Get more information on flu shots here.

October Health Observances

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Home Eye Safety Month

For organizations: Prevent Blindness offers a variety of fact sheets that may be helpful to your employees.

National Work and Family Month

Mental Illness Awareness Week: First week in October

National Depression Screening Day: October 7

Halloween: October 31

Health Advocate is here with lots of ideas to help you and your family have a fun and healthy Halloween!

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