Health Advocate Blog

Defining success for yourself

Feeling that you are successful and fulfilled in life can only be determined by you, not by your upbringing, schooling, society or anyone else. If the pursuit of a high-powered job or luxurious car or home, for instance, leaves you feeling dissatisfied or out-of-sync with your true self, it’s time to re-evaluate what success really means to you. These tips can help you in your quest:

Start with self-exploration. Ask yourself what it means to have success in key areas. Your answers can give you clues about what goals to aim for.

  • Emotional: Are you feeling in balance, more attuned in the moment?
  • Social: Are you feeling connected; are there people you can depend on?
  • Job: Are you content with your work?
  • Financial: Are you able to afford the things you need and want?
  • Community: What about the well-being of your friends, family, and larger community?

Uncover your values and inspiration. What makes you feel happy and energized? What past accomplishments made you feel the proudest and fulfilled? You’ll discover more clues to map out your personal success route. 

Determine what actions are needed. If your goal for success is having fulfilling work, for example, you may need additional schooling/training or volunteering/interning to gain experience, perhaps in a new area of interest. 

Create a short-term and long-term plan to reach your goals. Include specific steps to achieve them within realistic timelines–weekly, monthly and yearly. Leave some flexibility in case life events interrupt your plan.

Stay open to any opportunities along the way. Responding to all messages or invites that appear intriguing relating to your goal could lead to the right people and information to help you reach it.

Surround yourself with supportive people. Limit time with the naysayers!

Take a break. Being successful doesn’t mean pushing yourself around the clock! Give yourself time for rest and recreation.

Feeling dissatisfied and stuck? Ask your health practitioner for a referral to a counselor or contact a licensed counselor for guidance and support.