Health Advocate Blog

Manage your energy for a more satisfying life

When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? Are you ready to start the day or do you feel tired and unsure of how you’re going to make it through? If you feel tired and ill-prepared for the day, you may be interested in learning how to manage your energy. The goal of energy management is to focus on energy-boosting activities that help you feel good, motivated and ready to go, while avoiding energy drainers that can deplete your drive and motivation. Keep reading to learn more about energy boosters and drainers.

Energy booster: Healthy eating

Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can help keep your metabolism stoked and energy levels up. At each meal, make ½ your plate fruits and veggies, ¼ protein and ¼ carbohydrates. Snacking on healthy items between meals can also help improve energy levels.

Energy drainer: Poor nutrition

Food and beverages that provide few nutrients and empty calories can result in sluggishness, as they don’t provide the body what it needs to function efficiently.

Energy booster: Exercise

Strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week and make sure you have a well-rounded routine. Don’t forget about the importance of a warm-up and cool-down! Performing exercises that you enjoy will give you an added boost.

Energy drainer: Sedentary behavior

When you sit, your entire body slows down, resulting in few calories burned decreased circulation.

Energy booster: Social connections

Spending time with family, friends, coworkers and pets can improve your mood and boost your energy. It is important to make time to laugh, play and enjoy social connections.

Energy drainer: Isolating yourself

Research indicates that isolation and loneliness can have numerous negative physical and mental health effects.

Energy booster: Balancing work and life

Leave work at work and home at home for a more satisfying day.

Energy drainer: Blending work and home life

Allowing your work and home lives to blend results in never feeling quite done with all that you have to do. You may also feel burnt out.

Energy booster: Using stress to strengthen you

Think of stress as a push to power you through whatever it is you’re dealing with. Rising to the occasion, rather than letting it get you down, can provide a significant amount of drive and motivation.

Energy drainer: Letting stress overcome you

While in some situations stress can be difficult to push through, understanding when a situation is, in fact, overwhelming, or just seems overwhelming makes a big difference.

Energy booster: Doing things you enjoy

Participate in activities that make you happy. Focus on hobbies or relaxing activities that leave you feeling recharged and refreshed.

Energy drainer: Forgetting to take time for yourself

Burning the candle at both ends and consistently forgetting to put your own needs first can leave you drained and feeling lifeless.

Don’t forget the most obvious energy booster: Sleep! Aim for 7-9 hours each night of quality sleep. As you’re probably well aware, when you lack sleep, you lack the energy needed to help you function.