With the holidays rapidly approaching, life might get hectic pretty quickly. Especially during this busy season, it’s important to take steps to keep your stress level down. While the thought of fitting in one extra thing to do—managing your stress—may seem daunting, it’s not as hard as it sounds! Below, we’ve compiled some tips and resources to help you reduce your stress throughout the holiday season.
- Now’s the time to create your holiday wellness plan and address the steps you’ll take to stress less. And don’t forget to check out these three easy ways to reduce holiday stress.
- Try these simple stress-busters: journaling, reading, and making time for gratitude.
- Build some new healthy habits into your day, such as practicing mindfulness meditation, trying tai chi, fitting in some “me time,” or taking some time to unplug.
- Financial issues can cause significant stress. When buying holiday gifts, make sure you’re sticking to your budget. These tips for good credit can help.
- Make your workday a little less stressful by decluttering your desk, managing your time well, and single-tasking instead of multi-tasking. Plus, check out these other great tips for taking control of stress at work.
- Download an app to help you stay stress-free, like Calm, GPS for the Soul, or Stop, Breathe & Think.
- If you are a caregiver, don’t miss this article about ways to take care of yourself while you are caring for a loved one.
- If you are traveling during the holidays, check out these tips to help you avoid being stressed while traveling.
- Take steps to relax and be good to yourself! Here are some fun, simple ways to relax, ways to be good to yourself, and free and low-cost ways to relieve stress.
For Health Advocate Members
If you are a Health Advocate member with access to the coaching feature of our Wellness Program, call your coach for more stress management tips that you can use during the holidays and beyond. Or, if you have access to our EAP+Work/Life Program, call us to speak to a Licensed Professional Counselor or work/life specialist, who can help you address a variety of issues that may be stressing you out.