Health Advocate Blog

Ask a Health Advocate: What are some healthy activities to do with a loved one this Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is a holiday designed to show your loved ones how much you care about them. But is sending your significant other a box of sugary sweets or taking them out to eat an unhealthy meal the best way to say “I love you”? This year, be heart-healthy and switch things up by trying one of these good-for-you Valentine’s Day ideas:

  • Sweet doesn’t only mean chocolate. Rather than tempting your loved one with a box of chocolates, give them a healthy, refreshing snack like an edible fruit arrangement.
  • Go on an active date. The whole purpose of Valentine’s Day is spending time together, so why not do something active like ice skating, a trial yoga class, bowling, or dancing? The possibilities are endless!
  • Cook a romantic candle-lit dinner or a healthy dessert. Find a heart-healthy recipe online that you want to cook for your valentine. Check out these recipes from the American Heart Association.
  • Look for healthy menu options. If you do decide to go out to eat, make an effort to order healthy choices like these.
  • Go for a romantic walk. Whether it’s strolling through the local park at sunset, visiting a local arboretum, or going for an after-dinner walk around the lit-up city, walking is a great way to spend quality time together as well as burn a few extra calories.
  • Organize a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt. This activity gives you an opportunity to not only be creative and walk around, but can impress your significant other with the time and effort you put into it.

Use this Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to tell your loved ones how much you care, and do activities that support each other’s health and wellness. Remember, if you’re a Health Advocate member with access to the Wellness Coaching program, you can call your Wellness Coach for more healthy activity ideas!

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