Health Advocate Blog

WOW – Workout of the Week: Leg Raises

This week’s workout is Leg Raises. Leg Raises are a great lower-body exercise for strengthening your abs, specifically your lower abs, plus your hamstrings, quads, and backside.  Here’s how to do them:

  • Start out flat on your back, placing your hands at your sides, palms facing down.
  • Next, keeping your feet together, raise your legs until your body is making about a 90 degree angle. Be sure to tighten your stomach to engage your abs.
  • Finally, slowly bring your legs back down to the starting position, keeping your feet together. Congratulations—you just completed one leg raise! Try doing 2-3 sets of about 30 leg raises, or as many as you feel comfortable doing.

For added difficulty, lift your head off of the ground and stick your chin out forward—this will engage your abs even more. Try adding 5-10 Leg raises to your sets each day this week!

We hope you’ll try Leg Raises over the weekend and then build this exercise into your daily routine Monday through Friday of the coming week.

Want more fitness ideas?  If you’re a Health Advocate member with access to the Wellness Coaching program, reach out to your Wellness Coach for more healthy ideas to get—and stay—fit. And remember, talk to your doctor before beginning any new fitness regimen.