Health Advocate Blog

Alcohol addiction: How to take back control

Alcohol Awareness Month is recognized in April. Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused drugs. It’s also common to wonder if you—or someone you care about—may be addicted to alcohol. Addiction is usually a gradual progression that starts with overuse, and then may move to dependence and addiction.

These signs may indicate that you or a loved one is developing or has an issue with alcohol:

You may be physically or psychologically dependent on alcohol if you…

  • Have to drink more alcohol per sitting in order to achieve the same level of inebriation (“buzz”)
  • Neglect to take care of things in your life in order to drink–for example, letting your health, relationships, and other responsibilities slide
  • Are having problems traced back to using alcohol like accidents, debt or arguments
  • Hide your alcohol use from others
  • Drink alone
  • Have a craving for alcohol

You may have an addiction to alcohol if you…

  • Can’t stop drinking, despite wanting to and it causing problems in your life
  • Are in denial of the problem
  • Are willing to put yourself or others in danger in order to drink
  • Have withdrawal symptoms when you’re not drinking alcohol regularly

Don’t wait to get help!

Health Advocate members:

  • If you have access to our EAP+Work/Life Program, call us to speak with one of our Licensed Professional Counselors. They can help you start your journey to recovery or cope if you are dealing with a loved one with these issues.
  • If you have access to our Advocacy service, call to speak with a Personal Health Advocate that specializes in behavioral health. The Personal Health Advocate can help you locate in-network providers, inpatient and outpatient programs, understand treatment options, and locate additional resources in your community.

Learn about self-help groups here.

Find help and treatment with assistance from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration here.

Other helpful information: