Health Advocate Blog

Workout of the Week: Alternating Uneven Push-Ups

This week’s workout is Alternating Uneven Push-Ups. Alternating Uneven Push-Ups are an advanced variation of the basic push-up. They provide a more rigorous workout by engaging stability muscle groups that are not normally engaged during a regular push-up. Also, uneven push-ups trick your body into going all the way down, giving you the full motion of the push-up.

To do this exercise, you’ll need an object that, when placed on the ground, stands about 6-10 inches high. You can use a couple phone books piled on top of one another, a rolled-up towel, or—like the demonstrator below—a kettlebell.

Here’s how to do Alternating Uneven Push-Ups:

Start in the basic push-up position, with one hand on your object and the other on the ground. Your hands should be about 12 inches apart. Keep your feet together, tilt your head up, and maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.


Lower your body as if you were doing a regular push-up, tightening your stomach muscles to engage your abs.


Push yourself up and reassume the starting position.

Remaining in the push-up position, take your hand off the object and place it to the side. Your arms should be in a wide push-up position.


Finally, bring your opposite hand in and place it on the object. Then, repeat steps 2 and 3.




Try doing 2-3 sets of 10-12 Alternating Uneven Pushups.



  • For more difficulty, try using a medicine ball or basketball—this will make you work harder to control your balance.
  • To help ensure good posture, keep your eyes straight forward.
  • If you feel an abnormal amount of pressure in your shoulder or elbows, stop this exercise immediately and consult your doctor.


We hope you’ll try Alternating Uneven Push-Ups over the weekend and then build this exercise into your daily routine Monday through Friday of the coming week.


Want more fitness ideas? If you’re a Health Advocate member with access to the Wellness Coaching program, reach out to your Wellness Coach for more healthy ideas to get—and stay—fit. And remember, talk to your doctor before beginning any new fitness regimen.