Health Advocate Blog

Workout of the Week: Stability Ball Leg Curls

This week’s workout is Stability Ball Leg Curls. As you may have guessed from its name, this exercise requires a stability ball. Stability balls, also known as balance balls or Swiss balls, can be incorporated into Pilates, weight training and many other fitness routines. Perfect for the at-home exerciser, stability balls cost anywhere between $20 and $50, and can be purchased at any sport retailer or online. Stability Ball Leg Curls are just one of the many exercises that can be done to tone and strengthen vital muscle groups like your abs, glutes, quads, and thighs.

Here’s how to do them:

  • Start by lying flat on your back with your heels on top of the stability ball.
  • Next, press your heels into the ball and lift your body off the floor to form a straight bridge.
  • Contract your glutes and hamstrings, and curl the ball inwards until your knees form a right angle. You should feel tension in the lower part of your butt, where your glutes meet your hamstrings. Important: Only your shoulders and upper back (not your neck or head) should be supporting your weight.
  • Finally, slowly roll the ball back out by straightening your knees, reassuming the starting position. Try doing 2-3 sets of 10-15 Stability Ball Leg Curls.


  • This is a controlled exercise; slowly curl the ball for maximum engagement.
  • Placing your arms out at your sides will help you balance.
  • Be sure to not place any pressure on your neck. All your weight should be resting on your shoulders and upper back.
  • If you experience any pain, specifically in your lower back or neck, stop doing this exercise immediately and consult your doctor.

We hope you’ll try Stability Ball Leg Curls over the weekend and then build this exercise into your daily routine Monday through Friday of the coming week.

Want more fitness ideas? If you’re a Health Advocate member with access to the Wellness Coaching program, reach out to your Wellness Coach for more healthy ideas to get—and stay—fit. And remember, talk to your doctor before beginning any new fitness regimen.